Well, another milestone has been reached! My "baby" is now 18 months. Hard to believe she is already 1 1/2 years old.
This is a fun stage for us: tantrums, biting/hitting, teething, etc. Seriously, I think the "terrible twos" are hitting her a little early. Ryan thinks this may be a good thing, since maybe she'll get out of them quicker. I'll let him keep dreaming!
It is amazing how her little personality has just blossomed over the last several months. I was reading in a book today about how there are 3 different "temperaments" for babies and toddlers: easy, shy, and spirited. Guess which one Kylie is?! Everyone that knows her can guess this one! Well, there definitely is the ups and downs, good days and bad days. There is never a dull moment with our girl, and she sure keeps us on our toes! She is fun and spunky, is very social, and is very active.
Her vocabulary has grown from about 10 to 50 words in the past 6 months, and keeps growing every day. Her brain at this stage is like a little sponge, and she loves learning new things.
Here is a list of some things that Kylie loves right now:
- Bubbles
- Making animal noises (she loves bears and doggies especially)
- Her "bucky" (binkie), weaning her at the moment
- Going to the park
- Books
- Going fast in the shopping cart with daddy
....and here are a couple of things she does NOT like:
- Goodbye's
- Bedtime routine (especially brushing her teeth)
- Diaper changes
- The noise of the garbage disposal
- BEING in the shopping cart (unless it goes fast)
As most of you know, I found out on my Birthday (Nov. 9) that we were again expecting another bundle of joy! I think that trip we took to Maui for our 10 year anniversary really helped :)
We were so ecstatic, that most of our family found out right away. After all, this was the miracle we've been waiting for so long, to naturally conceive a baby! Our joy increased when we found out at 15 weeks that it was a boy. I can't explain the happiness Ryan and I felt when we received the news. It was almost like a hole in our hearts was being filled. We will always miss our little Henry, but having another boy in the family will be such an amazing blessing! What's more is that he will have 3 little cousins practically his same age, two on mommy's side and one on daddy's side! This is going to be a fun summer!
Here are some moments captured of her over the past several months. It's remarkable how much they grow between 12-18 months!
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Apple Hill in the Fall '12 |
Her first chair, from cousin Bella |
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Christmas '12 |
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It's a boy! January '13 |
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Fun at the Sacramento Zoo, March '13 |
At Fairytale Town with cousin Isaiah, March '13 |